Looking at the eyeball like sinking in, I got so freak out!!
Sclera is melting?
Woke up at 5.15 in the morning, having difficulty in opening my right eye. Have no idea what happened and it was painful too.
Forced open it and look at the mirror. The light was so bright that I almost gone blind. Slowly letting my eyes to adapt. I got a shock of my life. Was that my eye? I really don't know what to do and who to call. It was so bad!!! The white part (sclera) is so swell up and it is like going to come out of the socket. WTF! Call ambulance? Go ENT? Wake my cousin up? What I afraid was, if continue to swell up until my eyeball disappear then that is K.O already. I must do something to reduce the swell.
Tried to calm down and get ice from the fridge to ice it first. Maybe can help to reduce the swell.
Iced for 15min then went back to sleep. Before I sleep, I google 'swollen sclera' on my phone to find the cause and treatment.
Woke up two hours later, to find the swell is still there. Unfortunately I have to skip my first PPI lecture. Back to sleep after send text messages to Izzi. Slept with a heavy heart, thinking what's the plan.
So, I went to family clinic. Prescribed with chloramphenicol eyedrop and oral serratiopeptidase + 1 day MC. Advised me to go hospital if there is blurred vision.
Well, so far not that bad yet. It is improving. Thank God!
What a horrified day!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
11:23 PM